Thinking strategy #2: Reflection

Reflection is essential—it’s how we discover what we think and what we know. At its simplest, reflection is a natural mental activity that occurs regularly and often involuntarily. It’s what we do while walking to the grocery store or waiting for an appointment. Focused reflection is a powerful thinking strategy that once learned can yield…

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Thinking about thinking

Most of us don’t remember learning to think—it just happens—whether we want it to or not. At school we learn to think about specific subjects… at least enough to learn/remember/understand and pass the exams. But what does thinking mean? The Oxford English Dictionary defines thinking as: “The most general verb for expressing internal mental activity,…

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The Times They Are A Changin’

“The times they are a changin’” wrote singer-songwriter Bob Dylan in the early 1960s. Many years later, times are still changing. One prime example is the proliferation of technology and information, making the skills associated with thinking, knowledge and wisdom (TKW) more critical than ever. Researchers are discovering that our brains are changing in response…

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Thinking… why bother?

What does thinking really mean? How can we improve our thinking skills to learn, accomplish goals or create meaning in our lives? What is the relationship between thinking, knowledge and wisdom and where do we start? Defining thinking turns out to be more complicated than one might think (no pun intended!). The Free Dictionary confirms…

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Thinking-Knowledge-Wisdom (TKW)

I’ve been curious about knowledge and wisdom for as long as I can remember. When I was growing up in a rural farming community, “practical knowledge” or “common sense” was critical and so-called “book learning” was seen as generally irrelevant. Practical knowledge was gained through thinking, observation and practice or “trial and error.” Practical knowledge…

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